Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dennis Rodman in Best Korea

I don't think any of those were on the official list of Dear Leader approved hairstyles.

Apparently Dennis Rodman who I could have sworn died in a tire fire a couple years back is alive and well and taking his talents to Southbeach Best Korea.

The flamboyant former Chicago Bull is part of a sort of diplomatic mission along with a couple Harlem Globetrotters and a VICE production team (who have done two pieces on North Korea already) to spread some good will via basketball with some of the best players in the notorious rouge rogue state.

Kim Jong Un is a huge NBA fan.

How will your average North Korean react to seeing someone who even in the states appears bizarre at times?
Shown a photo of a snarling Rodman, piercings dangling from his lower lip and two massive tattoos emblazoned on his chest, one North Korean in Pyongyang recoiled and said: "He looks like a monster!"
It should be interesting to say the least. Did he pack the infamous wedding dress?
Yes, you too can own your very own signed copy of this.
Rodman will no doubt be forced to visit all the famous attractions in Pyongyang including that one monument to Kim Jong Il, that other monument to Kim Jong Il, and who could forget that that museum dedicated to Kim Jong Il.

It hopefully won't be all monuments and statues for Rodman as he of course wants to see the number 1 thing everyone thinks of when they think North Korea:

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.